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Solar panel buyers guide

December 25, 2021   |   By Solar panel buyers guide - image dd on https://news.emgcloud.net/news

Camping is one of Australia’s favourite hobbies, us Aussies we love exploring our great vast country. The only trouble is it is just that, vast. As Australia is so large and spread out to properly explore it, camping off the grid is a necessity. Whilst camping off grid the major issue you will come into is of course lack of power. Thus a good 12 volt setup is required. To get the best out of your 12 volt setup and truly camp off grid then a solar panel is what you want. Solar power is perfect for off grid camping especially in the land down under.

There are so many options and accessories when trying to choose a solar panel, use this guide to help you choose what the best setup is for you.

The most common type of solar panel is what’s known as a permanent solar panel. There are two types of permanent setups the more modern day one is a semi flexible solar panel. These panels are becoming increasingly more popular as they have a lot smaller profile are light weight and can be sculpted to slight curves, so they are perfect for a car roof.  The second option is the more stereotypical as it boasts both excellent durability and also strength. This option is an alloy frames solar panel with a glass cover.  Permanent solar panels are great for camping and for your vehicle health as even though it may be a small amount, any strain taken from your alternator will save you on fuel. Due to being permanently fixed to your vehicles or camper trailers roof the permanent solar panel will always be working while you are stopped at the camp site or even while you are driving along.

The other type is what is known as portable solar panels. There are two type of transportable options the first is solar blankets and the second type is a folding solar panel. There are many benefits to having a portable option, one of those being the ability to keep your roof rack space empty as maybe you’re a tradie that requires it or maybe your four wheel drive vehicle is your daily driver and you don’t wont to drive around with the permanent wind drag on your vehicle.  Another benefit is solar panels are obviously most efficient when they are directed right in the direction of the sun so with a portable solar panel you can continuously shift it as the sun moves throughout the day. The second major plus is as it is basically and energy absorber solar panels can get quite hot and thus work best like most electrical products when well ventilated. With a permanent solar panel you would mount it with the minimum ventilation space require to create the most streamline setup however with a portable solar panel you can have a huge ventilation space and simply pack it up when you are done. Both solar blankets and also portable solar panels have their own positive and negatives that could help you choose what’s best for you. solar blankets are far extra portable as they are extremely light of weight, and they fold into a very small size once not being used. However, folding solar panels are extra cost efficient and provide more energy for their size although they are less portable. Another plus for folding solar panels is they come with large folding feet that mean you can position the panel towards the hot sun and keep it well ventilated. Although several solar blankets do come with fold out feet as well, but they usually aren’t as large and thus the ventilation is not quite as good.

When trying to choose between a permanent solar panel or a portable solar panel It’s important to think of what kind of four wheel driving and camping that you are essentially going to do. If you are doing more of a road trip type holiday with huge, long drives and only quick stays, then a permanent solar panel is better suited for you. This is because a permanent solar panel can be constantly wired into your vehicles 12-volt system. This will allow your batteries to be receiving charge from your solar panel whilst you are driving along. This is a great way as mentioned before to reduce strain on your four wheel drive. This however is only possible if you have a DC to DC charger with solar priority. This allows your entire 12-volt set up to run off the one system. A DC to DC charger with solar priority also means that while you’re driving your solar panel will be charging your auxiliary battery first and then your alternator will pick up any slack.

However, on the other hand if you are more of a weekend camper that sets up camp and is based from there than a portable solar panel is more up your alley. Portable solar panels are easy to pack simple to set up and with the quick connection plugs, they are not a bother to plug in either. So having power running into your vehicle while you’re sitting at camp is quite straightforward. Portable solar panels for a weekend camper will allow you to shift it around as the shade changes throughout the day. The other benefit of a portable solar panel is you may have a nice vehicle you don’t wont to permanently mount solar panels to and thus a portable solar panel stored in the boot is a perfect solution.

To truly harness the benefits of having a solar power 12 volt system, you should also get and invertor to complete your energy pack so you can bring your luxury home appliances on the road and camp in style.

In summary if you are camping in the land down under then a solar panel is the way to go, so use this guide to help decide which solar panel is best suited to your camping needs.

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