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Melt in your mouth Lamb Ribs on the tracks!

November 4, 2019   |   By Melt in your mouth Lamb Ribs on the tracks! - image Capture-3 on https://news.emgcloud.net/news


We all love a quality rack of ribs! Pork ribs are an essential part of low n slow BBQ but what about Lamb? The forgotten cut..

We are lucky enough to live in a country that produces some of the best lamb in the world so why not take advantage of that? Lamb ribs are something else and so forgiving and easy to cook.

Before you start its important you make sure you have all the right tools for your big cookup, and to be fully prepared. There is nothing worse than inviting all your mates over to show off your outdoor cooking skills and realising you haven’t got half of the tools you need.

At www.4wdsupacentre.com.au You will find everything you need to cook any camp cooking recipes, right at your fingertips!

With the Adventure Kings Kings Portable Meat Smoker, these succulent mouth-watering meat handles from heaven can be put together anywhere . The portability and ease of use of the smoker is next level when it is paired with the right charcoal or heat beads, some cherry or apple woodchips for the that authentic low n slow flavour and you are ready to BBQ!

Food prep is super important when cooking low n slow, you get this part wrong and you have thrown your meal out the window. You will need yourself a good sharp knife to get those ribs trimmed down to give you the best results. With every cut of meat cooked on the smoker you want to be sure you are allowing the smoke and your dry rub penetrate that meat as much as possible. Leaving any hard fat or skin on the ribs will hinder your cook, jump in and grab the  Kings 4-Piece Camping Chef’s Knives Kit. Razor sharp and get the job done right every time. Get all your prep done on the Kings Portable Alloy Camping Table and you’re prepping like a pro!


[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_uUcDM0p1A[/embedyt]


Now you’ve got the gear, let’s give you the know-how. Strap your taste buds in! My Lamb Rib Recipe is next level!

Prep Time: 20 mins

Cook Time: 2hrs 30mins


What you will need:

  1. Lamb ribs, ask your butcher
  2. Adventure Kings Portable Meat Smoker
  3. Good quality charcoal
  4. Wood chips (apple or cherry is best!)
  5. Flaming Coals Traditional Lamb Rub
  6. A good BBQ Sauce
  7. Heavy duty aluminium foil
  8. A meat thermometer or metal skewer
  9. A good sharp kitchen knife
  10. Fire lighters




Fill your Adventure Kings Portable Smoker charcoal bowl and using a fire lighter or two, completely lighting just the centre coals. The coals you have ignited in the centre will disperse the heat outwards and create a nice long steady burn. Use your top vent to adjust the temperature to 135°C.

Sprinkle your woodchips around the outside of your lit coals so as the coals burn outward, once the heat hits the chips it will produce the smoke you are looking for. Be sure to place your water bowl between the coals and the lowest rack to produce an indirect heat. There is no need to have water in the bowl for this recipe as the lamb ribs will retain their own moisture through rendering down their natural fats.

To trim your ribs, take your parring knife from your knife set and remove any skin or hard fat that is across the top of your ribs. As mentioned earlier, this allows the rub and smoke to penetrate the ribs leaving us with that beautiful smokey flavour you are looking for in BBQ.

Place your ribs on the grills of the smoker bone side down and smoke for an hour and a half to really take in the smoke.

After allowing them to smoke, remove your ribs from the Adventure Kings Portable Smoker and place each rack down on a sheet of foil. Pour a good dollop of your favourite BBQ sauce across the top.

PRO TIP : Be careful not to use too much as you don’t want to overpower the flavour of the lamb, you are only looking to highlight the natural flavours!

Wrap the ribs tightly in your alfoil, careful not to puncture and place back on the smoker meat side down. Continue to cook for another hour.

After a good period of cooking take your thermometer or skewer and probe between the bones. What you are looking for is very little resistance. If you find the meat still feels a little tight, continue to cook until meat softens.

Unwrap and slice with the chef’s knife from your Adventure Kings Knife Set.

Lamb Ribs are best served with a Greek salad and are a sure fire top notch crowd pleaser!

For more tips and tricks for cooking the best meals on the tracks or any other information about your camp setup head to www.4WDSupacentre.com.au  call us on 1800 88 39 64 or visit us in-store to get the latest deals and speak one on one with an expert!

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