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Low & Slow – Expert tips for the best tasting meals on the tracks!

October 23, 2019   |   By Low & Slow - Expert tips for the best tasting meals on the tracks! - image 190520-kingssmoker-resized_56_of_57_ on https://news.emgcloud.net/news

We all have that one mate who loves to cook up a storm at camp, but with the right tools and some tips and tricks from our expert team you too can cook up the tastiest track side meals to rival those found in up-town fine dining restaurants.

To make sure you have everything you need when you hit camp, you definitely need to look into the comprehensive range of cooking gear available from 4WD Supacentre. By kitting yourself up with the right gear, you will have everything you need to show all your mates who really knows what they are doing in the bush kitchen.


One of the essentials you MUST bring with you is a reliable and affordable Adventure Kings Kings Portable Meat Smoker, this versatile and feature packed unit is not only affordable but one of the best investments you can make for your camping setup, allowing you to grill bake fry, dehydrate and even slow cook, all using simple BBQ heat beads or seasoned firewood.

It takes more than just a solid fuel cooker to prep the tastiest meals, so don’t leave food prep on the backburner either, with a Kings 4-Piece Camping Chef’s Knives Kit meal prep is a cinch with a razor sharp chefs knife and a paring knife and serrated bread knife, there is no meal that will go un-prepped.

No camp kitchen is complete without a sturdy and easy to use work surface, which is why you definitely need to check out the Kings Portable Alloy Camping Table which takes just 30 seconds to set up giving you a 680mm high work surface to prep food, and as a camping dinner table.

Now you have the essentials sorted, you should learn a thing or two about how to cook yourself some Low & Slow Smoked BBQ Lollipop Chicken.


[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5AN41WCit4[/embedyt]


Prep Time: 30 Mins

Cooking Time: 1hr 10mins


What you will need:

  • 12 Chicken Drumsticks
  • A good poultry or pork rub
  • Butter
  • A good BBQ sauce
  • 2x 6-hole muffin trays
  • Aluminium foil
  • A foil tray
  • Kitchen shears
  • Apple or cherry woodchips
  • Charcoal


  1. Ignite your Kings Portable Smoker and get the temperature sitting around 155°C – 160°C and spread woodchips out for smoking.
  2. Fill the bottom of each muffin mould on your muffin tray with a good chunk of butter each and set aside for chicken to be placed in over the butter.
  3. Take a chicken drumstick and with the Chefs knife from your Kings 4-Piece Kitchen Knife set cut all the way around the leg around 1-2cms under the knuckle ensuring to cut all tendons.
  4. Remove the knuckle by using your thumb running from the longer side of the knuckle pulling up and over the end of the leg exposing the bone.
  5. Hold the knuckle end of the drumstick and place your other hand around the top of the meat and pull down to create a ball at the bottom of the drumstick. You should see the pin bone running alongside the leg bone, remove as much as you can by snapping it off as low as possible.
  6. Take your kitchen shears and cut off any excess tendons exposed at the top of your “ball” to clean it up.
  7. Take your aluminium foil and wrap tightly around the exposed leg bone to give the bone a clean whiter look (optional)
  8. Take your rub and evenly coat each drumstick and place it on top of the butter in your muffin tray so the legs are sitting straight up. Repeat until all are done.
  9. Place your muffin trays on each tier of your Kings Portable Smoker and smoke for about an hour or until cooked through.
  10. While the chicken is cooking, use a Kings 2 Burner Gas Stove to heat your BBQ sauce in your Kings Skillet, Bedourie Camp Oven or a saucepan with about 50 grams of butter to thin it out. Do not allow the sauce to boil, you want it just before simmer point.
  11. Remove your chicken from the smoker and dip each drumstick into your sauce ensuring the meat is completely submerged and place them all into your foil tray
  12. Place them back in the smoker for 10 mins to set the sauce.
  13. Remove from the smoker and enjoy!



Serve hot with a mac n cheese for a sure-fire campsite favourite!


For more tips and tricks for cooking the best meals on the tracks or any other information about your camp setup head to www.4WDSupacentre.com.au call us on 1800 88 39 64 or visit us in-store to get the latest deals and speak one on one with an expert!

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