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Four Reasons I Run My Camping Fridge As A Freezer

March 22, 2021   |   By Four Reasons I Run My Camping Fridge As A Freezer - image 200304-Lake-St-Clair-328-of-516 on https://news.emgcloud.net/news

Few things will upgrade your camping experience more than a quality camping fridge freezer like the Adventure Kings range! No longer will you worry about your ice melting and your food getting soggy. Instead, all you have to do is make sure you’ve got enough charge in your deep cycle battery, and your camping fridge will keep the contents perfectly chilled the entire time you’re camping! Of course there’s more to it than just that, such as using a camping solar panel to keep your AGM battery charged, but we’ll talk about that another time.

Not a lot of campers understand that you can genuinely run the whole range of Adventure Kings Portable fridges as a freezer if you want to! Because they all feature a powerful Secop compressor, you can run them down as low as -18°C without a drama in the world. Having a freezer as part of your camping gear has a huge number of benefits – whether you run a single-zone 12v fridge as a secondary freezer or whether you set one side of your dual zone camping fridge as a fridge, and the other as a freezer. Here’s four reasons I love running a freezer when I go camping!


Whether you’re planning that dream Cape York camping trip, or you want to cross the Simpson Desert – or even if you’re heading away for a couple of weeks at Christmas – you just can’t beat having your camping fridge run as a portable 12v freezer! It means that you can buy your food in bulk before you go, individually prep it and use the Adventure Kings Vacuum Sealer to keep it fresh, and then freeze everything. Your food will stay good for much longer! Imagine being 2 weeks into a major camping trip, and while all your mates are eating baked beans out of the tin, you’re feasting on a cheeky steak that’s been stored in your Kings camping fridge. All I do is decide a day before what I want to eat, then I pull it out of the freezer side and put it into the fridge to let it slowly defrost. Winner!


Here’s the perfect way to save huge amounts of money on your next camping trip – meal prep your meals before you go! When you cook crowd favourites like spaghetti bolognaise, beef stroganoff, sausage curry and even a good hearty chilli, you can then use your Kings vacuum sealer at home to seal individual portions of food. Then, put it all in your portable camping fridge that you’ve set as a freezer, and you’ll have an excellent variety of food that’s incredibly tasty, healthy and most importantly very budget-conscious! Using this method I’ve been able to get individual portion costs down as low as $3 per serve per adult, and if you’re doing a camping trip with mates then you can share the food costs and distribute the food right across all your 12v camping fridges to share the load. It’s a fantastic way of making your camping money go further which means in turn that you can then go camping for longer!


When it’s stinking hot, having icy cold drinks in your portable 12v camping fridge is an absolute saviour! On the other hand, nothing’s worse than cracking what you think is a cold beer, only to find that it’s luke-warm. Bugger that, might as well drink hot water instead of hot beer! Here’s a beaut trick that I’ve been using for a long time on big camping adventures. I run one side of my dual zone camping fridge as a freezer that’s mostly full of meat, and then every morning, I put 6 or 8 cans of drink from my Titan storage drawers into the freezer section on top of the frozen food. I leave it there for an hour or two and then when they’re chilled, they get moved into the fridge section of my 12v camping fridge. In my experience that’s a much better, more efficient way of cooling drinks than filling the fridge section with warm drinks and making the camping fridge run hard for hours trying to cool them all down! And you have the bonus of being much more economical with the space inside your 12v fridge, making the most of it and keeping both your food and your drinks nice and icy cold.


This last one is a real treat, but if you’ve ever sat at camp on a stinking hot day and longed for an ice cream or an ice block, then this is the solution! The Kings 12v fridge range can all be set as low as -18°C which means that they have no problem keeping ice blocks or ice creams frozen. A pack of long tube style ice blocks in the bottom of your camping fridge freezer makes for an incredible treat, whether you’re a kid or a kid at heart! And just imagine how popular you’d be when you whip out the ice blocks on a hot night – in fact you could easily barter an ice block for a cold beer from your mates if you were so inclined. I’ve even done this trick crossing the Simpson Desert just after easter, when it was a good solid 35°C every day – pulling out a couple of ice blocks from your 12v camping fridge when you pull up for the arvo and set up camp, watching the sun drop down behind the dunes – now that’s camping like a King!

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