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EMERGENCY RESPONSE in the middle of nowhere!

September 21, 2019   |   By EMERGENCY RESPONSE in the middle of nowhere! - image 190515-Domin8r-Xtreme-Location-Resized-7-of-25-NZ on https://news.emgcloud.net/news

When you are in remote areas, off the beaten tracks it takes just seconds for things to derail, when we are playing with big heavy vehicles which move fast, in environments that aren’t groomed and maintained, or even travelled on regularly!

There are a handful of issues you may encounter, and anyone who has ever done a first aid course or business emergency EVAC warden will have been taught some sort of strategy on how to deal with keeping control in an emergency! This includes keeping yourself out of danger, making sure everyone who doesn’t need to be involved stays clear, the next step in these situations is to send for help!

Sending for help is difficult and can range from getting another vehicle to get you unstuck, sending someone to grab the recovery gear or first aid kit or call for help from emergency services!

Whilst calling for help seems easy enough if you spend enough time in and around your local city you probably consider this a reasonably simple task, even if slightly stressful. However, in remote area’s you more than likely will not have any reception to get in touch with the emergency services, this task is made much less frantic by having access to communication that doesn’t rely on mobile phone towers.

The first example, would be a satellite phone, anyone who watches movies might be familiar with this system that has reception ‘ANYWHERE’ in the world, whilst working, the clarity of voice communication can be restrictive, as the handheld device has to send a signal into space it requires vast amounts of energy to transmit this signal, the other restriction is that you often require a clear vision of the sky above you, similar to older GPS units, this means in deep valleys and thick and dense tree cover you may have troubles making connection to the satellite. Additionally, the costs associated with a satellite phone are extremely prohibitive, where not only do you have to pay for the device up front, but also a subscription fee that can make Satellite phone systems just a bit out of reach for the casual explorer!

The next option you have is a citizen’s band 2-way radio in either VHF or UHF frequency, whilst VHF requires a licence to broadcast in Australia the UHF bands are free to access and can broadcast a signal out to approximately 10 – 15km depending on the antenna you are using.

It is clear that a reliable, and powerful UHF unit is indispensable in the case of an emergency,  because of the clarity of transmission lack of upkeep required and the incredible broadcasting range in ideal conditions with an appropriately rated antenna!

The additional benefit to having a UHF unit is the ability to communicate for free within the range of your unit with ANY person within the area on the same channel this includes other vehicles people carrying hand held UHF units, and even the Emergency services using repeater channel 5 and 35. These channels are monitored constantly by regional emergency services and with correct coordinates you will be able to receive help.

Even if you cannot contact help, you need to take immediate action, as mentioned above every 4WD needs to have a reliable first aid kit in their lineup, and every 4WD should also carry a functioning fire extinguisher. With an incredible requirement for an affordable and functional first aid kit like the range available from Survival First Aid Kitsparticularly with their 100+ piece Survival Vehicle First Aid Kit, this kit was borne out of necessity this kit was designed in Australia by leading First Aid experts to suit remote area travel in hardcore vehicles, with the ability to get to places many cannot, the necessity to bring components to get you and your family back to more accessible areas for appropriate treatment is an essential.

With colour coded compartments you can easily and quickly identify, everything you need in an emergency, it even includes a MOLLE attachment system to fasten to backpacks and belt loops for convenient carry!

These two things are excellent at getting you out of some very sticky situations whether you are on the tracks or even on the highway. But just like satellite phones, some UHF systems are ridiculously expensive, and whilst you get a lot of bells and whistles a simple UHF kit like the Oricom UHF380PK with a concealable unit that has 80 channels and multiple squelch modes, as well as simple to install plug and play wiring, and a 6.5dBi Antenna which offers an excellent blend of range, clarity and uni-directional.

To increase your chances of having a great time when you head bush, no matter what happens, you should bring the right gear to get yourself out of trouble.

For more information and the best advice on your setup head to www.4WDSupacentre.com.au call us on 1800 88 39 64 or drop into one of our stores or dealerships to speak with a professional and get the best advice for your setup!

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